スズシンラボRSSPVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村

404 Not Found

🗓️Publish: 2025-01-28T12:00+09:00

🕒Update: 2025-01-28T12:00+09:00

🏷️Tags: Error | 404

🖋Author: Shingo Suzuki


404 Not Found

There is no blog post you are looking for.
The blog post may have been deleted or the URL may have been changed.


Shingo Suzuki

Name:Shingo Suzuki

After graduating from university, I aimed to become a public servant but failed. After an 8-year period of unemployment, I made up my mind and switched to freelancing. However, I endured long days with zero income… In 2025, realizing that things couldn’t continue like this, I started this blog. I now tackle life’s challenges as a “Life Challenge Hunter,” sharing my journey toward a dramatic turnaround through trial and error.

Main activities: Blogging / Personal Game Development / Music Composition / Investing / etc...

Main qualifications: 3級ファイナンシャル・プランニング技能士 / WEBライター検定3級 / .com Master BASIC / 実用英語技能検定準2級 / ダイエット検定2級 / etc...
