スズシンラボRSSPVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村

All Posts with Tag: note

🗓️Publish: 2025-01-30T14:45+09:00

🕒Update: 2025-02-18T17:25+09:00

🏷️Tags: note

🖋Author: 鈴木俊吾(すずしん)


All posts with the tag "note" are listed below.



Shingo Suzuki

Name:Shingo Suzuki

After graduating from university, I aimed to become a public servant but failed. After an 8-year period of unemployment, I made up my mind and switched to freelancing. However, I endured long days with zero income… In 2025, realizing that things couldn’t continue like this, I started this blog. I now tackle life’s challenges as a “Life Challenge Hunter,” sharing my journey toward a dramatic turnaround through trial and error.

Main activities: Blogging / Personal Game Development / Music Composition / Investing / etc...

Main qualifications: 3級ファイナンシャル・プランニング技能士 / WEBライター検定3級 / .com Master BASIC / 実用英語技能検定準2級 / ダイエット検定2級 / etc...
